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Junior Speaker 小小演说家


Aki Chan大头姐姐 is our Mandarin Drama teacher at Gream Studio - having experience as a TV actress, stage performer, scriptwriter and blogger.


She had been involved in various productions, from TV2 shows, music videos, indie films, to stage plays, under known companies such as Mediacorp Malaysia, Astro, Taipei Radio and Bluinc Media Nuyou.


She is currently involved in Astro's Xiao Tai Yang show, as an actress, performer and host, and an ambassador (魔士,思考力)for the Astro XTY  五力学习。



中文儿童戏剧  Mandarin Drama


Noah Yap (叶国文) is a Creative Drama teacher at Gream Studio with his experience across acting, directing, performer and teaching. Currently, he is art director at TEAM drama team and full time drama teacher in major primary, secondary and drama team. He has been in drama area since year 2005 and participated in various drama performances and competition which has leaded him successfully be rewarded and recognized in the major awards. His drama performance works including 《孤星泪》《时逝难料》《1028事件》《友。福》《我来了》《寻找情绪的桃花源》《电梯停格》《感天动地——终极版》《钢骨森林的游牧之歌》《情忆肉骨茶》《大人不见了》《小巫见大巫》《火火不见了》《勿以善小而不为》and etc. His director works including 《老师好》《生日快乐。我爱你》《亚逊圣杯》《游戏时间》《看见城市的心跳》《虫虫物语》《等饭公主之诚聘试吃员》《金枝嫩叶-百花争艳》《生死瞬间》《新白雪公主》《A17号病房》《彩色奶酪》《豆豆物语》《小丑》《情牵歌舞团》etc.


小作家 Junior Journalist

奥数 Olympiad Math

美术与手工 Art & Craft


Jimmyzai Lim (林建镒) is a passionate teacher which enjoying in teaching, interacting and sharing with students and currently as teacher teaching in Junior Journalist ( Chinese Language) in Gream Studio. He graduated from Communication University of China majoring in Journalism and he is expertise in Emceeing, Dancing, Acting, Stage Performer and etc.

He has been TV Host in China Aniworld Satelite TV (中国湖南卫视金鹰卡通频道) involving in TV programs in 玩名堂, 快乐宝贝Go,飞行幼乐园, ET和孩子们的夏天, 5.4 青年节,白辨小天才, 童心撞地球舞台剧 and become Emcee in major events or activities such as 电视小勇士, 亲子教育舞台剧之爸爸去哪儿, 米喜迪潮童大赛, Astro 欢喜台拍摄广告,2013 湖南经视跨年音乐会,2012 噼里啪啦过大年, 其它等等  which has leaded him successfully be rewarded and recognized in the major awards from China of Aniworld Satelite TC, 988 radio station, new era college and etc.




室内设计小画家  Interior Design


Mavis Gan (颜渼嬑) is Diploma graduate in the field of Interior Design with the renowned Malaysian Institute of Art. My work experience spans from working in various projects ranging from residential and commercial properties in Bukit Jalil, Bangsar, Damansara & Puchong.

Part of my key accomplishments include designing, planning, visualization, detail drawing, and construction of the entire layout in Burgerlab and Boat Noodle restaurants. Other responsibilities include site monitoring & project management.




歌唱班  Vocal class


Nick (黄治棋) is our Vocal Class tutor. He has had experience as a vocal tutor for children and adults.


His previous involvements :

- DJ for 988 radio station


- 第二届马来西亚绝对 superstar 男子组-第三名



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