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Junior Speaker (小小演说家)

Mandarin Drama (中文戏剧)

Junior Journalist Chinese class (创意中文)

Olympiad Mathematics (奥数)

Junior Interior Designer (室内设计)

Vocal class (歌唱班)

Art and Craft (美术)

Tuition classes (补习班)

Junior Scientist  (小小科学家)



Junior Speaker (小小演说家)



新闻主播,表达能力强!有智慧!自信强!主持人,说话溜!有创意!观察力棒!您孩子也能像他们一样! GREAM STUDIO 教小朋友说好话,把话说好!




We want children to experience how it feels like to become a DJ in a radio station, a place where they learn to be confident in their speaking abilities and to adapt to challenges quickly.


Mandarin Drama (中文儿童戏剧)


Our Mandarin Drama class engages children with games, re-enactments and plays to instil confidence and boldness. They experience what it feels like to be drama actors by learning about facial, body and vocal expressions.


Junior Journalist (小作家)


快乐学中文,创造属于自己的作品 !

Young Writer, Learning Chinese in Fun Way !




In our Chinese language writing class, we want children to understand the beauty and importance of the Chinese language, especially in a time when English is becoming more dominant in Malaysia. The lessons help our Junior Journalists to gain a firm command of the Chinese language, and to learn how to creatively inject life into their writing.

Olympiad Math ( 奥数)


一步一步来,真容易!Step by Step, So…easy!


Olympiad Maths,WHY US? 为什么要选数学奥林匹克?



  • Creative teaching method, learning is fun.

  • heauristic teaching method, to motivate and build children's math skills.

  • To enhance the application of mathematics, we develop logical thinking and problem solving.

  • To cultivate children’s good habits of thinking and its thinking quality.

  • To develop children mathematical fundamentals and give children’s room of improvement and innovation.


学前班 ( Pre-School)age 5-6                    

基础班 ( Basic ) age  7-9                 

优质班 (Advanced Class) age 10-12


We do not want children to only associate mathematics with exams and memorisation. Instead, our Olympiad Mathematics class seeks to teach children that mathematics requires creativity and flexibility to be fully mastered, and that it can be applied in daily life in the form of logical thinking and problem-solving skills.



Junior Interior Designer



Our Junior Interior Designers view the world in a different perspective; they are exposed to topics such as Orthographic Drawings, Material Studies and Space Planning and Modelling from as young as 7 years old, where their potential can easily be discovered early.


Art & Craft ( for age 4-6)



Children from ages 4 to 6 engage in various Arts and Craft activities, such as Clay Art, Crafting and Drawing & Painting. Our goal is to bring out the inner creativity in children through these enjoyable activities.



Vocal class(歌唱班)


Children are taught by our experienced tutor to improve their singing abilities and instill confidence.

We provide training in the following areas :

1. Vocal techniques

2. Stage performance techniques

3. Singing techniques


音乐修身养性,陶冶性情-从歌唱找自己!加强发音咬字增强对音乐的敏感度建立自信勇于表现自己了解如何运用声音,唱出自己 通过歌唱的方式培养小朋友表演的天分。认识自己的声音与了解唱歌的技巧,帮助小朋友建立自信心。在未来能让小朋友更自然的在舞台上表演!







Junior Scientist(小小科学家)


Experiments play a crucial role in science, and our children are exposed to a new one during every lesson. Our tutors teach them to formulate hypotheses, analyse data and draw conclusions from hands-on experiments designed to cover all areas of science.


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